Contributed a helpful post to the How do I compare a date/time field to a...
Contributed a helpful post to the How do I compare a date/time field to a blank (nothing entered)? thread in the SharePoint 2010 - General Discussions and Questions Forum.
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the Force Selection of New from List of Content...
Contributed a helpful post to the Force Selection of New from List of Content Types Only thread in the SharePoint Legacy Versions - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and Other Customizations Forum.
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the Expand/Collapse groups in Content Query Web...
Contributed a helpful post to the Expand/Collapse groups in Content Query Web Part in SharePoint 2010 thread in the SharePoint 2010 - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and Other Customizations Forum.
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the No Due Date in Approval Process in Designer...
Contributed a helpful post to the No Due Date in Approval Process in Designer thread in the SharePoint 2010 - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and Other Customizations Forum.
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the Using Embedded Credentials in a Data...
Contributed a helpful post to the Using Embedded Credentials in a Data Connection file on SharePoint for an InfoPath Form thread in the SharePoint Legacy Versions - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath...
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the the workflow contains errors but they are...
Contributed a helpful post to the the workflow contains errors but they are not visible in the current view thread in the SharePoint 2013 - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and Other Customizations...
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the Reject - Stop Workflow - (Not Working)...
Contributed a helpful post to the Reject - Stop Workflow - (Not Working) thread in the SharePoint 2010 - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and Other Customizations Forum.
View ArticleContributed a proposed answer to the question Workflow email: remove unwanted...
Contributed a proposed answer to the question Workflow email: remove unwanted line breaks in the SharePoint 2010 - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and Other Customizations Forum.
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the Workflow email: remove unwanted line breaks...
Contributed a helpful post to the Workflow email: remove unwanted line breaks thread in the SharePoint 2010 - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and Other Customizations Forum.
View ArticleContributed a proposed answer to the question Show all user profiles where...
Contributed a proposed answer to the question Show all user profiles where user's birthday is a certain value in the SharePoint 2010 - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and Other Customizations Forum.
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the How to avoid of showing 01.01.0001 value...
Contributed a helpful post to the How to avoid of showing 01.01.0001 value when "Due Date" field value must be showed as empty? thread in the SharePoint 2010 - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and...
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the lookup listbox width too short thread in...
Contributed a helpful post to the lookup listbox width too short thread in the SharePoint 2010 - General Discussions and Questions Forum.
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the Infopath 2010 Form date range, validate 10...
Contributed a helpful post to the Infopath 2010 Form date range, validate 10 day range thread in the SharePoint 2010 - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and Other Customizations Forum.
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the emails from sharepoint designer workflow...
Contributed a helpful post to the emails from sharepoint designer workflow are not going to trusted domain users thread in the SharePoint 2010 - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and Other...
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the sharepoint newform.aspx after submit...
Contributed a helpful post to the sharepoint newform.aspx after submit retain(hold) certain field values thread in the SharePoint 2010 - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and Other Customizations Forum.
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the set Default Value for People Picker in List...
Contributed a helpful post to the set Default Value for People Picker in List Template current user thread in the SharePoint Legacy Versions - General Discussions and Questions Forum.
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the Reject - Stop Workflow - (Not Working)...
Contributed a helpful post to the Reject - Stop Workflow - (Not Working) thread in the SharePoint 2010 - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and Other Customizations Forum.
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the Adding additional fields when Creating a...
Contributed a helpful post to the Adding additional fields when Creating a New Folder in SharePoint thread in the SharePoint Legacy Versions - General Discussions and Questions Forum.
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: User...
Contributed a helpful post to the Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: User cannot be found. thread in the SharePoint 2010 - General Discussions and Questions Forum.
View ArticleContributed a helpful post to the SharePoint 2010 Designer Workflows - Task...
Contributed a helpful post to the SharePoint 2010 Designer Workflows - Task COMPLETE upon EXPIRATION thread in the SharePoint 2010 - Using SharePoint Designer, InfoPath and Other Customizations Forum.
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